Hiatus – I am moving and upcoming conventions!

You heard that right!
Last week me and my partner won a bidding round for an apartment nearby. What does this mean for the store? Well it means that I’ll have much more space for my work in the future! But it also means that we are in the middle of packing everything and because of this, the store is now on hiatus/break.

I also wanna say that I am going to have a vendor table at 2 conventions this year!
Torucon which is in Trondheim/Norway & UKPC in Nottingham/UK!
In between orders I have been busy making new designs so I hope people are looking forward to see them.

Because of these conventions and the move I can’t say for sure when exactly the store will be open, but I will try to make it as quick as possible for the upcoming holiday orders *Christmas* in just a few months.

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